Hacks & Roll


Much faster right? Once you get this workflow, things will get much easier to you with GTM. The same applies to Youtube, Scroll tracking, etc. (but definitely not limited to). Let’s do a quick recap:

  • In case of link click tracking, we need to have at least one link click trigger enabled on a page. Trigger conditions do not matter, can be All link clicks, can be Some link clicks. This enables the link click auto-event listener and it starts running in the background. Every time the listener catches the click, it pushes the click data to the Data Layer. We cannot use that data until we instruct GTM to read it (by creating variables).
  • Enable click variables. They will read the click-related data from the Data Layer and make it available in your tags, triggers, and even other variables.
  • Create a tag that you wish to fire on each link click. In this guide, we created Google Analytics tags.
  • Create a new trigger (or update the existing one) to fire only when you really need it (e.g. on outbound link clicks).

So even though you’ll see many Link Click events, that does not mean that your tags will be fired on each one of them. GTM will handle the moment of when the tag is activated.

Problem Statement

There are cases you need to share wildcard SSL certificats between different namespaces through k8s ingress controller(traefik 2.x). From security perspective, you should not do this. But, but, but…, you still need it when it comes to reality.

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A redirect server for logging is used to trace various urls user clicked. The redirect server will log any query parameters in url and redirect to url parameter finally. The logging should be doing asynchronously to minimize redirect time.

OpenResty is a combination of Nginx and Lua. I won’t explain that here, you could google it to know more.

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Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub.

Quick Start

Create a new post

$ hexo new "My New Post"

More info: Writing

Run server

$ hexo server

More info: Server

Generate static files

$ hexo generate

More info: Generating

Deploy to Githup page

1) Installation
While at the root of your hexo project:

$ npm install hexo-deployer-git --save

2) Configuration
Open your _config.yml and edit the Deployment section:

type: git
repo: https://github.com/username/your-blog-url.github.io

Use your blog github repo URL in the repo property

3) Deploy !
Run hexo deploy and your blog is online. Easy, wasn’t it ?

$ hexo deploy

More info: Deployment